Speaking Schedule

Kristi Brown was the co-sponsor and spokesperson of the first Personhood Amendment ever to make a state ballot (Colorado, in 2008).  During that time, Kristi appeared in many state and national news publications…TV, radio, magazines, blogs, and newspapers.

In 2009, Kristi graduated from law school, and is now a licensed California attorney.  Kristi currently volunteers for Life Legal Defense Foundation as a part-time staff attorney and works for Live Actions as a blog writer and editor.

Kristi loves speaking about life, law, or politics for any occasion.  To schedule Kristi for a speaking engagement, email bookkristi@gmail.com

  1. Steve Edwards says:

    I hope this is the right way to send Kristi a message. Kristi, if you get this; I hope you reply with a follow-up. There is an evangelistic association by the name of Evantell located in Dallas, TX. Beside general evangelistic efforts, they have a wonderful ministry called, “Save the Mother, Save Her Child”. If you go to evantell.org; there is a link there explaining that ministry. They provide evangelistic training for staff members at Crisis Pregnancy Centers through seminars throughout the country. I would encourage you to research this further and contact Mary Margaret Gibson there at Evantell. She would be more than happy to perhaps partner with you in networking with these center. Thank you for your time. I pray that the Lord will guide you in this matter. Steve Edwards

  2. Rits Tadema says:

    Kristi check my page at http://www.tadema.us and especially the article on GROWING OLD
    hence my plea for you to include RECRUITING SENIORS. The Lord has laid it on my heart
    to develop SENIOR RECRUITERS which makes me an excitedly busy Senior of 83.
    God bless you with marvelous fruit throughout 2012.

  3. True family is inter&multi generational sprouted from Calvary’s TREE

  4. Tommy Mann says:

    Kristi, I read your article about your top pro-life books, and I was wondering if you would be interested in reading my new book Asleep in Heaven’s Nursery (Tate Publishing)? I would be happy to send you a copy.

  5. HI Kristi,
    We’ve connected through Twitter about having you on as a guest of “Culture of Garbage”, my weekly Internet Radio program where we talk about our youth and bringing them out of a culture where everything seems to be so easily disposed of, including life!

    You have so much to offer, and I feel we can join forces so that more people will be inspired to take on the difficult task at hand and help to save more lives!

    My foundation http://www.torysday.org goes a few steps further and works toward making connections with our youth, another segment of the Lost Generation, and Culture of Garbage. Our goal: To make a National Day of Awareness in Taking Our Responsibility for our Youth Seriously.

    Please join me, and I look forward to speaking with you!
    God Bless,
    Brother Wayne

  6. Victor says:

    Dear Kristi

    Nov. 25th is the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women. Dec. 10th is International Human Rights Day.

    Violence against women is the greatest human rights violation in the world today!

    Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women is a GLOBAL call for action.

    Say NO records what individuals, organizations and governments worldwide are doing to end violence against women. Whether you volunteer at a shelter, donate, reach out to students or advocate for better policies – every action counts.

    15 to 76 percent of women may be abused in their lifetime. Let us count you in to make a difference – take action NOW to end violence against women:


    Abortion Harms Women!

    Don’t just end abortion, make it UNthinkable by taking action with your FREE book “Making Abortions Rare” by Dr. David C. Reardon:


    Please Share With Your Friends!

  7. Hi Kristi,

    I really enjoy reading your posts on Live Action News. Thank you for being a voice for LIFE. 🙂

    Anyways, I would love to share my personal Pro-Life story with you. I was so honored and blessed to be interviewed for WORLD Magazine. The article was one of the Lead Stories published today. You can read that here: http://www.worldmag.com/2013/04/restoration_for_a_wounded_soul

    Since I know you are a wonderful writer and you love Jesus, I was hoping you might share my story? I want to share the lives and legacies of my children with as many people as possible. Thank you for your time and may the Lord bless you!

    Hannah Rose Allen

  8. June Perera says:

    Thank you for your article last year (just read it) about Thirty-One and Cindy Monroe and her women charities. Sad to say I signed up as a Thirty-One consultant and telling signs have recently come up to make me doubt the company. Your article confirmed my doubt.

  9. Mark Cochran says:


    Thanks so much for all that you do for the unborn. If you get a minute could you check out http://www.FDNHfilm.com? I am producing a Pro-Life dramatic short film titled First, Do No Harm. I would love it if you could watch the video there and if you feel so led, help us get the word out about this important project. Also, if you are going to be at CareNet this week, we have a representative there who would be more than happy to share with you our vision for this project and give you some materials as well.

    Thanks again,

    Mark Cochran

    • Hi Mark, I’d be happy to take a look at your site. I’ll let you know if I can help get the word out once I take a look. Sounds like a great idea! Also, I won’t be at CareNet, but I’ll email you and you can forward me any info or materials you’d like me to see. Thanks so much! -Kristi

  10. Patricia Purdy says:

    Hi Kristi, Thanks for sharing your story here, beautiful!, I am currently in the process of writing a book against abortion, God has been pressing me for a long time. I wanted to ask you if I have your permission to copy and print and add to my book, your 10 reasons not to have an abortion, or some other articles here on your blog., is that okay?, and is there a “fee” for it?, Thanks in advance as I move forward in Jesus. Patricia A. Purdy

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