Posts Tagged ‘parents’

Via Live Action News — Note: This article is for any girl or woman who is feeling pressured into having an abortion. If you are a guy who is trying to find out how to stop an abortion, please see this article written for dads. You may also want to read 10 reasons not to have an abortion.

3d-ultrasound-fetus-baby21.  Stand your ground.

You know you don’t want an abortion. Maybe you know in your heart that your child is a real, live person (you’re right!). Maybe you know your science and facts already. Maybe you can’t bear to be a part of killing an innocent human being. Maybe you already love your child. Maybe you or someone you know has had an abortion, and you know the physical and emotional pain that comes with it.

Whatever your reason, you do not have to get an abortion. It is against the law for anyone to force or coerce you to get one. You are your child’s mother, and no one – not your boyfriend, husband, parents, pimp, teacher, or lady at the grocery store – can make you get an abortion.

Let your “no!” mean “no!” – no matter what anyone else tells you. Your baby is a new, unique person who deserves a chance at life. Period.

If you ever need to be reminded why you don’t want an abortion, read real stories from real women who have had abortions.



One of the super cute photos in the article that you simply must read…

Ok, so this is a LOT different from my typical posts. But hey, while we are busy working to encourage moms out there to give their babies life, it’s also important to pass on some tips of exactly what to do with those precious gifts…

I’m a young mom – with one toddler and one baby coming later this year =). And I know I can often use encouragement and helpful tips. My children are some of the most precious gifts in my life, but that doesn’t mean I always know what to do with them!

So I’m going to pass on this EXTREMELY AWESOME article that my mom shared with me. It’s called “They are Listening: 19 Things We Should Say to Our Children.” Moms are sometimes told what not to say to our kids, but what about the things we should be saying?? You may not agree with every single phrase in this list, but overall – it’s great advice that I’ll be trying to follow.

I’d also add a couple other things I want to say to my children.

1) My parents always said this to us: “We can always talk about it. No matter what you do, we can talk about it. No matter how bad it is, we will be here for you, and we will work it out.”

2) “It’s ok. You’re safe. Mommy’s here.” This seems to be helpful for little ‘fraidy cat kiddos. We all need to reassured that we really are safe and that someone we trust is here for us.

So, to finish this out, why don’t you let me know things you try to say to your kids? What are important words we need to be building in our children? Because after all, after we choose to give life to these beautiful gifts, we need to remember to treat them like the gifts they are!