Posts Tagged ‘Ectopic pregnancy’

Months ago, I wrote a post about the dangers of the Mirena IUD.  This hormonal birth control device poses dangers to both women and unborn children.

To re-cap, here’s the summary from my previous post.

Summary:  Why use a “birth control” method that is likely to cause death for a baby/babies you never knew about?  Why use a device that hugely increases your odds of suffering an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage if you have it removed during pregnancy?  Why choose a “contraceptive” that is manufactured by a company that even the FDA calls misleading?  Why use the Mirena IUD if you are risking your own health and life in the process, along with your baby’s?

To read the rest, if you missed it, go here. You will find details about how the Mirena can end the life of an unborn child and how it can damage a woman’s health and internal reproductive system.

I was recently introduced to a graph that captures much of the harm that Mirena causes to some women.  I’m posting it below, along with a link to a law firm that may be able to help you if you’ve been damaged by a Mirena IUD. (I’m in no way affiliated with this law firm, but they are doing a good job of bringing out the truth about Mirena.)  Feel free to pass this info on!

Learn more about this information here!

Women – and young girls – choose abortion for many reasons.  All of them are sad, and none are necessary – despite how it may seem.  (Note, please, that saving a woman from an ectopic pregnancy by removing the child or saving her from cancer by using chemotherapy or other such life-saving treatment is not an abortion, even if the baby dies.)

Often, women choose abortion because they are convinced they will be alone if they do not.  They believe that their parents will reject them and throw them out.  They believe their boyfriend or husband will leave them.  They believe their friends will scorn them or make fun of them.  They believe they will become an outcast in their family, at school, or in society.  They fear loneliness and rejection, but in their fear, they do not realize that abortion itself is the ultimate loneliness.

Children are created to be with their mothers (whether the mother is a biological or adopted mother).  Children were never created to be killed.  When a mother kills her child – a very unnatural act – she creates a vacuum in her heart and in her life.  She creates the very loneliness she was attempting to escape.

The following is a writing about a woman who almost chose an abortion, in part, to escape loneliness and the rejection that she believed she would suffer if she kept her child.  This writing reveals her thoughts as she went on to choose life for her daughter.  (If you have participated in an abortion in your past, please consider contacting a local pregnancy resource center or Rachel’s Vineyard for help for post-abortive women and men.)


When you showed up on that little stick as a plus sign, I was so unaware. 

I tried to push thoughts of you aside by chatting away to the friend on the other end of my cell phone, but I had no idea you would soon fill my vision entirely.  You found yourself in my womb, and instantly I knew you were a different sort of person than I’d ever met before.  Confident and bold, yet humble and unassuming at the same time.  Little did you know the sway you already held over my trembling heart.

You were what I needed – for all of time – but I refused to let myself see the truth.  Instead, I plodded along in my great aloneness.

Of course, I inwardly cursed myself that I planned to choose my friends, my life, and him over you.  That I would never be free to sit with you over a coffee – or a juice box – across a table, and let you enter my heart.   I used your father as an excuse for what could have been the greatest failure of my life – the failure that would have sentenced me to a great aloneness for the rest of my days.

You may have had no idea of the struggle raging inside me.  Or maybe you knew all along.  But I refused to let you see who I truly was.  I was bound up by society’s ideals and my own sense of pride.  My adamant refusal to risk getting hurt or being told I was wrong – that I didn’t live up the the standards – nearly led me to choose this great aloneness.

Proper manners ordered me to dismiss you cooly, as though you had not already captured my soul.  They ordered me to keep our conversations to the business at hand – ending your life – when what I really wanted was to take your tiny, chubby baby hand in mine, forever.  They whispered in my ear that I was not good enough, that you would not want me as your mother if you knew.  I feared taking a chance that would risk my heart.  I shook my head at the daring ideas racing in my mind.  I rejected courage, and my heart beat in solitary confinement.  But it is I who imprisoned myself in this great aloneness.  But only for a time.

I am not one to give up so easily.  I ride on the wings of hope.  And I am comforted by the power of prayer.  Perhaps my courage has taken its sweet time to surface, but it has come to me at last.  I believe, my child, that you are worth risking my pride, my comfort, my convenience, and even my life as I know it.  And now I am actually willing to act on my belief.

I can only hope that you will reach up your tiny hand, smile at my world – and at my very soul – as you take your first breath on the day of your birth.  Welcome to my world, little daughter.  You are here to stay.

Ok, I promised that my next post would include information about the Mirena IUD. Most of us already know that the IUD likely causes abortions before the mother is even aware that she’s pregnant.  But there’s been some talk that the Mirena IUD is different, so I studied it out.  Here’s the results I came up with:

English: Mirena IntraUterine System Deutsch: M...

English: Mirena IntraUterine System Deutsch: Mirena Hormonspirale (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1)     Causes Harm/Side Effects for Many Women  Did you know about the possible lawsuit against the company who makes Mirena because of all the bad side effects, specifically in younger women?  Also, the FDA themselves actually put out a warning letter to the company…and we know that the FDA rarely does anything!

2)     Stops Implantation:  This site (and several others I found) say that Mirena may stop ovulation in some women, but it does not in most.  It also says that one way Mirena works is to stop a baby from implanting if a woman does get pregnant (even though, of course, some people do stay pregnant, but that is apparently rare).  Of course, if implantation is stopped, the baby dies.

3)     Risks Danger and Possible Death to Women and Babies:  You have to scroll down a ways on this one, but under the warnings and precautions, it talks about how up to half of women
who get pregnant on Mirena have an ectopic pregnancy (and other random, weird things that can happen).  There is always the risk of death for the woman (and of course the baby) with an ectopic pregnancy.  I know the FDA warned the company that makes Mirena that they are not being up front enough with people about all the risks and side effects that Mirena can have/has had with some women.  Pretty scary stuff if you ask me!

4)  IUD Must Be Removed:  If you do have a Mirena and get pregnant, you are warned to get it removed as soon as possible.  Otherwise, it has the potential of causing death in you or the baby.  Death to the baby, specifically, is still a risk with the process of having the IUD removed. Not a good thing, either way you look at it.

5)  Doctors Don’t Always Reveal the Full Truth:  From my own personal experience, I know there are even pro-life doctors who have no problem recommending birth control that actually does stop a baby from implanting and living. You would think they would only prescribe stuff that prevents fertilization, but this is often not true, unfortunately. All too often, to get the full facts, you need to do your own research and go to the manufacturer’s site. I’ve never personally seen a manufacturer’s site that doesn’t disclose whether the birth control prevents implantation or poses dangers to women. (Though I wouldn’t doubt if there are some out there! For example, I know the FDA railed on Bayer for not fully revealing Mirena’s dangers to women.)

Summary:  Why use a “birth control” method that is likely to cause death for a baby/babies you never knew about?  Why use a device that hugely increases your odds of suffering an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage if you have it removed during pregnancy?  Why choose a “contraceptive” that is manufactured by a company that even the FDA calls misleading?  Why use the Mirena IUD if you are risking your own health and life in the process, along with your baby’s?

Follow the link below to a helpful graphic that illustrates some of the dangers of Mirena:

Learn more about this information here!