Posts Tagged ‘Live action’

Death. Apathy. Women as Pawns. Lies, Inaccuracy, Misinformation. 

These are the things Roe and abortion have brought to us.

Live Action’s awesome magazine, “The Advocate” is now available online! This magazine is designed to be han


Yes, rights and responsibility should most definitely go together. And abortion is not the responsible way to care for a child we have helped create… (Photo credit: physiciansforhumanrights)

ded out on college campuses (and high schools and church youth groups) around the nation. It’s written specifically for the younger generation, but its information is appropriate for older generations, too. In the magazine, Live Action’s writers expose the truth about abortion and encourage people around the nation to TAKE A STAND. Here’s how Live Action explains The Advocate:

As one college student recently told us, “I was on the fence about abortion before, but after reading The Advocate and seeing those images, I’m now pro-life”. Every edition of The Advocate bears witness to the momentum the pro-life movement is gaining in our culture, especially among our youth.

You can get your own FREE copies to distribute (please do this!! Even if you only want five…) by clicking here. Pastors, please get these for your youth groups (and your entire congregation). Political activists, please get these to pass around your clubs and to leave in your party offices. Teens and college students, please get these for your friends and fellow students. People in general, please get these to give out to ANYONE you know. Even giving it to one person can make all the difference in the world. Abortion can end one person, one heart, at a time…

I was honored to be asked to write in the Winter 2012-2013 edition of The Advocate. I was asked to write on “Forty Years of Roe, Five Years of Live Action.” So, if you’ve ever wondered just what Roe has brought us, and if you’ve ever wondered just what Live Action does, you can read my article (and the whole magazine) here.

After you read, let me know what you think – what has Roe brought to America, to women, to the unborn children, to your friends and family, to you?


Sometimes the truth is literally almost too painful to hear.

But when we’re talking about abortion, something that happens between 1.2 and 1.3 MILLION times in America every year, we can’t close our ears to the truth. We have to be willing to feel the pain; to walk through it; to experience the nightmare. Because that’s the only way we’ll never be silent again.

ImageThe news site I write for, Live Action News & Opinion, has recently published articles with direct quotes from abortion doctors, nurses, counselors, and other workers in the clinics. Please, read what they have to say. They know the cold, hard truth like no other. And some of them are willing to speak out.

Lauren Enriquez compiled this post: 10 Surprising Quotes from Abortionists and I compiled this one: More Dark Truth from the Mouths of Abortion Workers. Please read the truth and spread the word. Let’s not be ignorant any longer.

Even if you think you support abortion, please at least take the time to be aware of what’s really going on, not just what you may have been told. These facts should shake you to your core, no matter your beliefs, and hopefully lead you to reconsider what the truth really is and whether you can support it.

If you happen to be a worker in an abortion clinic, or if you know someone who is – you are not alone, and you are not hated. There is a way out. Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director and the author of “UnPlanned” has started an organization called And Then There Were None. It’s designed just for abortion clinic workers – doctors, nurses, counselors, anyone who wants a way out. Please check out Abby’s site and her open letter to clinic workers. And then reach out for help. You’re never too far gone, and it’s never too late. 

Students for Life of America

Students for Life of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Of course, this is great news!  SFLA details some bad news as well, including the fact that Planned Parenthood is still good at marketing lies to our youth.  In fact, 48% weren’t even sure whether or not Planned Parenthood provides abortion.  That’s scary.  And a wake-up call to us to keep spreading the truth.  I personally think the saddest part of the study is that 58% of young adults don’t know where to point a pregnant friend in need.  We definitely need to do a better job of making pro-life resources, crisis pregnancy centers, etc. more easily accesible and well-known.  We can do this by finding out the resources in our area and letting our friends – specifically any young adults – know, with the request that they tell their friends.  The information will spread if we make the effort to spread it.  Let me know if you have questions on how to find out the resources in your area – I’m more than happy to help!

SFLA encourages pro-lifers to keep educating young adults.  As part of the young generation, I join them in calling on all pro-lifers to give young adults the information that they need – whether they’re actively seeking it out or not.  You make a difference for us when you speak the truth!  Thank you!  Keep it up!  Consider purchasing copies of this book to hand out:  “Why Pro-Life?”.  It’s an amazingly simple, clear, and interesting way to explain the details and the basics about the pro-life message.  The books are only $1 each if you buy 50 or more.  Why not buy enough to hand out to your church’s youth group, college group, or your high school kid’s class?  Keep some extras on hand for that moment when you WILL need them =)

Ok, I’ve detailed more about SFLA’s study on my post at Live Action.  Or, you can look at the study for yourself here.



How do you think we can convince Christians – and others – in our culture to view the pro-life issue as something THEY need to get involved with instead of viewing it as a mere political issue?  Where’s the disconnect?  We look back on slavery and are convinced we would have done something to stop it, yet that was a “political issue” in its day.  Any answers or thoughts?  I’d love to hear what you think…


Komen_12 (Photo credit: Tennessee State University)

UPDATE:  The Komen Foundation caved under pressure and the bullying tactics of Planned Parenthood and changed their decision to defund Planned Parenthood.  This, of course, is terrible.  Planned Parenthood should not be able to use mob-style tactics to force a grantor to give them funds.

On January 31st, the news broke that the Komen G. Foundation (Race for the Cure) has decided to break monetary ties with Planned Parenthood and stop giving them money.  This is incredible news!!  Of course, Planned Parenthood has stepped onto their bully pulpit as usual and is pounding Komen for their decision. Since when does a grantee attack a grantor for ending donations?!

Pro-lifers need to stand with Komen and thank them for defunding Planned Parenthood!  It’s very simple to send a short email, thanking Komen for their important, ground-breaking decision.

Send them an email–right now–here:

You can also sign a petition, thanking Komen here:

Please take the time to do this.  We know that Planned Parenthood is having their supporters email Komen by the thousands.  While it’s virtually impossible for Komen to change their minds (based on a new rule their organization adopted), they still need to know that we stand with them.  Komen adopted a rule stating that they will no longer fund organizations who are being investigated at a local, state, or federal level.  Congress has a pending investigation into Planned Parenthood, and several states have ongoing investigations as well.  Planned Parenthood is a very corrupt organization that is on its way to an end.

For more information, read Jill Stanek’s inside scoop:  You can also keep updated on Live Action’s blog:  Or, follow me on Twitter @KBurtonBrown.

Pro-life protesters make a silent demonstratio...
Image via Wikipedia

Have you ever thought that it’s pretty stinkin’ hard to keep track of everything that goes on in this world related to the pro-life issue?  I sure have!  Every day, it seems, new developments are occurring.  Happily, 2011 was one of the best years…if not THE best year…for pro-lifers since Roe v. Wade.  Many new pro-life laws were put states.  Congress held a vote to completely defund Planned Parenthood.  (Sadly, it didn’t pass this time around.)  Media attention is increasingly highlighting the pro-life issue.  The recent GOP presidential pro-life forum, televised by C-SPAN and live-streamed by CNN is evidence of this.

So, four ideas for you to keep up with all that’s happening in the pro-life movement:

1)  Subscribe to Google Alerts for news on “abortion,” “pro-life,” and “personhood.”  Any other term relating to the issue that you’d like to watch is fair game!  (Think Roe v. Wade, stem cell research, euthanasia, etc.)

2)  Visit Live Action’s blog every day–or at least once a week–to catch up on news you may have missed.  Live Action usually makes multiple posts by multiple writers every day!  It’s a busy place over there =)

3)  Sign up for Family Research Council’s annual ProLifeCon.  This is coming up on January 23, and it’s a webcast.  You can find out how to more effective in broadcasting the pro-life message from the comfort of your own home!  The speakers include pro-life pioneer U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, Dr. Gerard Nadal, Live Action President Lila Rose, and Michael Clancy–the photographer of the famous picture where little Samuel Armas reaches out from his mother’s womb to grab the doctor’s finger.  Sign up for the webcast here.

4)  Watch the video of the GOP pro-life presidential forum.  If you’re still undecided on who to vote for, this may help you make up your mind!  (Hint, hint, don’t vote for Mitt Romney.)  Here’s the link to the video.

Happy learning!  Happy researching!  And happy saving lives!!!  Through God’s grace, we ARE making a difference.  YOU are making a difference.  Keep it up.

English: Photograph of Lila Rose, Founder and ...
Image via Wikipedia

Hey Friends!

Just wanted to let you know that I very recently started blogging over at Live Action!

Live Action was started as a youth-led movement by Lila Rose when she was just 15.  To date, she and her team have conducted many investigations of Planned Parenthood.  Her work is quite famous–in fact, if you look her up on YouTube, you’ll see plenty of media videos about what she’s done.  You’ll also learn about many of Planned Parenthood’s lies in the process.

I’m excited to join their team of bloggers over there, and hope that you will check it out often.  Live Action keeps their blog VERY updated with current news, real-life stories, and up-to-date opinions on the pro-life issues.

Here’s a link to my first blog post over there:  “Terms of Life and Death“.  Let me know what you think!  And don’t worry, I’ll still be blogging here as well =)

Merry Christmas!


Kudos to Live Action…once AGAIN…for coming up with an excellent, new pro-life graphic!  by Live Action

You can post this picture as your Facebook profile pic by going to this link:  I would assume you could pass it on to people online in other ways, too, but you may want to check with Live Action first.  Go to this link anyway to see more incredibly awesome and effective pro-life graphics! 

Do you have any ideas for a pro-life graphic…picture and words???

While we’re talking about Live Action, go here: to read David Daleiden’s post “How Should Candidates Express Opposition to Abortion?”  This is particularly appropriate after Monday’s GOP debate with the presidential candidates.  I’d have to agree with David here…several of the candidates (namely Bachmann, Santorum, Pawlenty, and maybe more) likely are definite pro-lifers.  However, the same old language doesn’t do as much as creative, new language that really hits to the heart of the matter.  What would you like to hear pro-life candidates say about abortion??