Posts Tagged ‘the Pill’

1926 US advertisement. "Birth Control"

Image via Wikipedia. This is a pamphlet that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, used to pass around. The resources she recommended were full of lies for women–not different at all from the Planned Parenthood of today.

Every single life is incredibly valuable…every single baby deserves a chance to live–especially yours. –Anonymous

*A number of my readers come here looking for info on abortion – perhaps because they’re thinking about having one, wondering how to have one, being pressured into having one, or trying to stop one. If this is you, please feel free to go to the end of my article to the section “If you are thinking about abortion.”

**If you want information on Mirena or IUD’s go here.

If not, keep reading. =)

I’ve been asked many times about my stand on birth control.  My stand is very simple:  Birth control is a personal choice that every couple needs to make for themselves…unless they are using a method that kills their child.  That, of course, would be the same as abortion (with the exception that I don’t think a lot of people know what they’re doing).

While I’d never claim to be an expert on birth control, I have done research on the Birth Control Pill since it’s so commonplace and accepted, even by many pro-lifers.  There are at least five problems I see with it.

1)  What is a Pregnancy, Really?

It’s claimed (even by the Pill itself) that the Pill will not end an existing pregnancy, once a child is conceived.  Any normal person reading that would be free to assume that the Pill, then, does not cause a chemical abortion.  Wait a second, though.  Should we always trust the manufacturer of a “medicine” or any product to give us the full scoop?  In reality, the original definition of pregnancy and conception–and the one we would think still exists–is the beginning of a new human life from the moment of fertilization.  But this is no longer true in the medical community.  In order to provide for the Pill and other such deadly inventions, the medical community changed the definition of pregnancy and conception to the time of implantation, which is 5-10 days AFTER fertilization.  So in other words, your baby is currently not considered alive until 5-10 days after he or she really is alive.  Weird.  And wrong.  And all so the medical community and the Pill manufacturers can claim that the Pill doesn’t end a pregnancy.  Well, here’s the real truth…it actually can and does.  It ends pregnancies before implantation–before you even know the baby exists.

2) It’s the Last Resort…But It Still Happens

There are three purposes behind the Birth Control Pill.  First, the Pill tries to prevent ovulation.  This is it’s first line of “defense”, so to speak, against getting pregnant.  Secondly, the Pill thickens the mucus around the cervix so it’s harder for sperm to reach any eggs that have been released.  Finally…and here’s the Catch 22…the Pill acts to strip the lining of the uterus so no pregnancies (or babies, really!) can attach.  So, if you read anywhere about the purpose of the Birth Control Pill, you’ll see that it’s last resort is to strip a woman’s lining so a baby cannot live in her womb.  I’d certainly call that a chemical abortion because a baby can be created while a woman is on the Birth Control Pill.

3)  What the Doctors Say

I go to a pro-life OB-GYN.  I asked her about the Birth Control Pill and whether or not it ever caused abortions.  Her answer was that, if it did, it was rare so she would prescribe it anyway.     Really?!  Is that really ok?  Is that really a pro-life stance?  This has the chance of killing your child, but it would be rare, so go ahead and do it anyway.  I don’t think so.  In addition, there are several very good pro-life women’s doctors who flatly refuse to prescribe the Birth Control Pill, like Dr. Walt Larimore.  Ask them why they refuse.

4)  What Planned Parenthood Says

First, Planned Parenthood claimed that the Birth Control Pill did not cause chemical abortions.  Now, they claim that if the unborn child is called a person in the law, all birth control–specifically including the Birth Control Pill–will be outlawed.  Hmm…make up your mind please.  When it was convenient for Planned Parenthood to claim that the Pill didn’t cause abortions, they claimed it so that women would believe them and get hooked.  But when Personhood Amendments were brought forward in various states, and the unborn child was about to be called a person in law, the truth came out!  The Birth Control Pill really DOES cause abortions, or it would never need to be outlawed by a law in favor of unborn children’s personhood.

5)  Miscarriages and Women’s Health

Besides the fact that the Birth Control Pill can and does cause abortions, I have yet another personal reason why I don’t use it.  The Pill affects women’s health…quite drastically at times.  The biggest detriment I can see is that the Pill specifically works to strip the lining of a woman’s uterus.  That’s why doctors usually tell women on the Pill to wait a while after getting off the Pill before getting pregnant.  Since your lining is stripped, a baby you want to have may not be able to attach either.  This is why some women have a miscarriage first after getting off the Birth Control Pill.  I think this is such an incredibly sad effect, especially since many women are led to believe that the Birth Control Pill does not cause abortions…


First, I’m not claiming that absolutely everyone who has ever used the Pill has had a chemical abortion.  That could never be proven for a fact.  But I am saying that evidence points to the fact that this could easily occur.  If you are reading this and you are currently on the Birth Control Pill, I’d encourage you to stop now that you know the truth.  The IUD (another common form of birth control) acts in a similar way to the Pill and also causes abortions.  Please study birth control to know which kinds are safe for you and your baby.  I HIGHLY recommend the free book “Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?” by Randy AlcornAlso, if you never heard this information before, please don’t feel guilty…you didn’t know the truth, and many organizations out there take great care to conceal it.  In addition, not every woman who uses the Pill has a miscarriage before having a baby, so please don’t let that scare you either.  Please just take the truth and apply it!  Save any baby that you can, especially your own!


Photo from this site, with more info about this little baby.

Photo from this site, with more info about this little baby.

If you’re a woman considering abortion, please consider that you have other options. I know, you’ve probably heard that. But please read on. Abortion – no matter how great it seems in the moment – is a decision with very lasting and painful effects. Read what other women have to say about it! Please at least go to this site, where you will find a helpline, a way to chat online, or a way to email someone who can help you. Or, the site can help you find a pregnancy resource center in your area where you can go for emotional and material support, as well as often a free ultrasound – which you should totally see!

You can also comment on this article – I’ll see it before anyone else does – and I’ll be happy to email you back and help you however I can. Also, please consider that every woman should know the truth about abortion before she ever has one. Go here to see a video (or here – and read the description below the video!). Go here to read about abortion. Please be informed.

A 4-D ultrasound photo of a baby at 8 weeks…check out more photos at this link. Amazing!!

You can also read this article or this one if you’re wondering why not to have an abortion. There are literally at least 101 reasons! At least check it out! Read these incredible stories, from a group that helps pregnant moms. A baby is a baby from the very beginning – her heart is beating at only 21 or 22 days! His brain waves can be read at only 6 weeks! And her little heart is crying out for you – her mother – to love her and give her the precious gift of life. I’m here for you, and so are many others – really. If you’re a dad who needs help, check out this advice article, and feel free to contact me.

**If you are a girl or woman who is being pressured or threatened into having an abortion, please read this article.

**If you are a guy who is trying to stop an abortion, please read this article. (Some of the info in this article may also help parents or friends who are trying to stop an abortion.)